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The Manifestation Code - BLOG
11:27 AM
Much has been written about the Law of Attraction and numerous books are available on the topic. The Manifestation Code is, however, not just another “Law of Attraction” book or workshop. It is differentiated from the other writings by focusing on how to significantly increase the success rate of the user’s manifestation processes. The Manifestation Code does not only provide some historic background on how the knowledge of manifestation processes were first conceived and spread in our world, but also provide detailed scientific theories on how the process actually works at the quantum mechanical and neurophysiological level. The importance of this is that when you understand how something functions, whether that is the engine of a car, the construction of a house or manifesting your desires with the Law of Attraction, you will be more successful in performing it. The Manifestation Code scholars have outlined the manifestation process in a step-by-step fashion that will greatly facilitate the implementation of the method and hence the manifestation of your desires. This stepwise guide along with the workbook, the manifestation log journal and manifestation enhancers such as the visualization system and the brain entrainment system, will set your manifestation process on autopilot without you having to figure everything out yourself.
The Manifestation Code system is the ultimate blueprint and guide on how to manifest your desires into reality. The Manifestation Code will set you on your way to a better life through a series of exercises and actions that will complement your knowledge of the process itself. The system is composed of several integral unique components that will guarantee your success in manifesting whatever you have been wishing for. The Manifestation Code :
ghenessa said...
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August 31, 2011 at 5:18 PM