Magick - An Ancient Manifestation System
0 comments Posted by The Manifestation Code - BLOG at 8:52 PMAccording to Bohm’s theory the subatomic particles, or quanta, are able to remain in contact with one another in spite of the distance separating them. This is because they are not really separated at a deeper level; the particles are simply extensions, or different aspects, of the same fundamental something. To better explain his theory, Bohm used the following metaphoric illustration. Imagine a fish aquarium that can only be observed through two video cameras, one directed at the side and the other directed at the front of the aquarium. While looking at the two monitors the pictures may initially seem to come from two different aquariums, but after a while a certain coordination and relationship in the movement of fish in the two monitors will become apparent.
Everything in the universe is a seamless web and even time and space are not separate. In this super-hologram, the past, present, and future exist simultaneously. Other studies showed also shown that an infinite number of parallel universes exist, and that everything exists concurrently as an infinite number of parallel realities prior to observation. Learn more about the scientific basis of teh Law Of Attrcation, and how to use this knowledge to manifest any desire in: The Manifestation Code []

Use MINDSYNC to Reach Deeper Meditation & Altered States of Consciousness
The Link Between Quantum Processes And Manifestation Of Reality
0 comments Posted by The Manifestation Code - BLOG at 9:39 AMPractices of deep meditation, prayer, and other approaches to reach states of higher consciousness, will elevate the coherence of cerebral brain waves with the universal interconnectedness. Brain mapping studies have shown that this highly synchronized harmonic state of meditation leads to brain waves that are perfectly ordered, in a unique harmonic wave, as if all frequencies of all neurons from all cerebral centers played the same symphony. Hence, the connection between our neuronal quantum consciousness and the universe can be enhanced and optimized through practices of deep meditation, prayer, and other states of higher consciousness. Learn how to harness your quantum brain power through The Manifestation Code, to manifest your desires at:
The Unique Features Of The Manifestation Code
0 comments Posted by The Manifestation Code - BLOG at 7:06 AMMuch has been written about the Law of Attraction and numerous books are available on the topic. This is, however. not just another “Law of Attraction” book or workshop. We have differentiated this work from the other writings by focusing on how to significantly increase the success rate of the user’s manifestation processes. In this work, we not only provide some historic background on how the knowledge of manifestation processes were first conceived and spread in our world, but we also provide detailed scientific theories on how the process actually works at the quantum mechanical and neurophysiological level. The importance of this is that when you understand how something functions, whether that is the engine of a car, the construction of a house or manifesting your desires, you will be more successful in performing it. We have finally outlined the manifestation process in a step-by-step fashion that will greatly facilitate the implementation of the method and hence the manifestation of your desires. This stepwise guide along with the workbook, the manifestation log journal and manifestation enhancers such as the visualization system and the brain entrainment system, will set your manifestation process on autopilot without you having to figure everything out yourself. Anyone can now become enlightened with the secret knowledge of manifestations, with:
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